Is it me or does Lady Gaga seem to be rising up so fast?I mena do they put something in her music that has this sound that we like?I mean I hear a bunch of people saying "Oh her clothing's bad" and "Sh'es a freak!",yet they love her music.Hyp-o-crites!
*Clara*:Well,I do like her style AND her music because her music has soul and passion,unlike most of the other artists in the world.But I hardly listen to pop music or rock music.I listen to indian tribe or what most peopel call Golden Times :\ It seems to amuse me.
I find listening to other types of music a good hobby because some music can be dangerous for gentle ears :\
*Copen<3*:Now to think about it,yes it does seem odd,but it's all in good humor.Killer,wouldn't you want someone to rush up to you asking for ur autograph?Wouldn't you want people defending you on websites when you know you're not allowed on the CP anymore?Well,I for one say BRAVO! to the woman for setting a good example.Her music is sexy,but her style is eccentric.But I,oh I,have followed in her hollow footsteps.I'm too much weird,but I dont prance around with synchronized dance moves in what seems to be a one-piece bathing suit with awsome details.So,she deserves my respect,but needs to lower the sex a lil' bit.On the other hand,that's just her!